Ushtrasana – The Camel Pose

Ushtrasana or the Camel Yoga Pose (‘Ushtra’ in sanskrit means Camel), is one of the backward bending Yoga asana for strengthening the back and spine.

How to do Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose)?
  • Kneel down and sit on your heels. Keep the knees and heels slightly apart.
  • Now raise yourself up on the knees.
  • Stretch your hands backwards and slowly bend your head and back with chin raised.
  • Continue the stretch, till your hands can feel the heels of your feet. Rest your hands on the heels.
  • Remain in this position for as much as you are comfortable. You may go from 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your comfort level.
  • To release the position, inhale and come back to the kneeling position.

Benefits of Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose)

  • This asana gives a good stretch to the back, chest, hips, groins and neck muscles and is helpful for back pains, stooping shoulders and also for correcting postural defects of the spine.
  • It tones the digestive, excretory and reproductive organs.
  • Ushtrasana improves the flexibility of the spine.
  • It expands the chest and improves lung capacity.
  • Ushtrasana should be avoided by those who suffer from serious neck problems. Also those suffering from vertigo should perform this asana with caution, without losing balance.

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