Brahma mudra & Yoni mudra

Brahma mudra is a hand gesture used in both yoga asana, meditation and pranayama practice that is valued for both its symbolic and healing qualities. Brahma is the name of the Hindu creator god and in Sanskrit is translated as “divine,” “sacred” or “Supreme Spirit.” Mudra means “gesture” or “seal.”

Brahma mudra is usually practiced in a comfortable seated position, such as vajrasana or padmasana. Both hands form fists with the fingers wrapped around the thumbs, the palms facing skyward and both hands pressed together at the knuckles. The hands then gently rest against the pubic bone.

Sometimes called "the gesture of all-pervading consciousness,” Brahma mudra helps promote a complete breath during pranayama. Because this mudra – and mudras in general – is believed to affect the flow of life force energy (prana) throughout the body, it calms the mind and energizes the body. 

Benefits of Brahma mudra:

  • Improves focus
  • Releases negative energy
  • Removes toxins
  • Helps the yogi reach a higher meditative state
  • Yogis who are kapha dosha dominant should limit how long they practice Brahma mudra.

Yoni mudra 

Yoni mudra is one of the mudras of yoga that promotes a calm state of mind. Both Sanskrit terms, mudra means "gesture" or "energetic seal," and yoni means "the womb" or refers to the female reproductive system in general.
    To perform yoni mudra, assume a seated pose as in padmasana or sukhasana. Bring the tips of the thumbs together and press them to the navel. Bring the tips of the index fingers together and let them point downward. Tuck in the chin, close the eyes and focus on the navel and the mudra. One should remain in the mudra for five minutes.

    The additional benefits of yoni mudra include:
    • Promotes flow of energy
    • Calms the mind
    • Alleviates stress
    • Promotes mental clarity
    • Strengthens the nervous system
    • Yoni mudra is an excellent practice to be combined with meditation as it blocks distractions of all sorts.

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