Ganesha mudra Steps And Benefits

Ganesha mudra is a yogic hand gesture, which helps the practitioner to connect to and awaken the energy within. The term is so named after the Hindu god Ganesh, who is considered the remover of obstacles. As such, practicing the Ganesha mudra is said to bring about self-confidence and the courage to overcome anything that is holding one back.

Steps To Perform Ganesha Mudra:
  • Be seated down happily on a chair otherwise on a yoga mat in the Lotus Pose (Padma Asana).
  • Carry both hands opposite your chest by your elbows bent.
  • Place the left hand by the palm facing outwards in such a way that you’re thumb points towards your solar plexus plus your small finger points to your collar bone.
  • Make a claw by winding the 4 fingers of your left hand moreover hold them by the four fingers of your right hand. In this place, your right palm must be facing to your chest.
  • Inhale deeply. On the exhale, try to pull both arms apart while keeping all eight fingers locked. Feel the stretch along your shoulders and chest.
  • Inhale once more and relax your arms while maintaining the Ganesh Mudra lock.
  • Do again this process six times.
  • Exchange your hands, by your right palm in front of outwards plus the left palm facing here and recur this procedure.
  • Free all tension from the arms plus carry them close to your chest in order that your hands are moving your sternum. Be seated in this position for as long as you like plus center on your breath.

Ganesha Mudra Benefits:
  • Ganesha Mudra is in addition superior for the shoulder, chest muscles, plus arms.
  • The Ganesha Mudra shows courage. Practicing Ganesh Mudra assist to motivate the metabolism plus digestion open the fourth chakra obtains strength, bravery plus self-assurance. It must be performed daily.

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