Water Fasting Benefits

A water fast is when a person does not eat and drinks nothing other than water.

There is no set time that water fasting should last for, but medical advice generally suggests anywhere from 24 hours to 3 days as the maximum time to go without food.

Throughout history, people have undertaken fasts for spiritual or religious reasons. But, water fasting is now popular in the natural health and wellness movements, often alongside meditation.

Benefits of  Water fast

  1.  water fast (once every week) will give tremendous health benefits. Our digestive system works without any rest, day and night. A fast will give the much needed rest to the entire digestive system to repair and heal itself. The human body has self healing abilities. Even animals instinctively take to fasting when they are sick. Animals are guided by their natural instincts, while as humans we tend to ignore them, and thus aggravate our sickness.
  2. It gives improved energy and vigor.
  3. It removes many mental blocks and gives clarity of mind.
  4. Water fast eliminates toxins from the body and can go a long way to prevent future illnesses.
  5. It can give slight improvements in the eye sight, though this effect is seen more during long term fasts.
  6. Fasting can improve immunity and has anti-aging benefits.
  7. It gives an overall sense of well being.
  8. Fasting is the easiest way to lose weight. Those who do intermittent one day water fasts can benefit more by integrating yoga into their lifestyle. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very informative. Eating mindfully has been very hard for people these days. It's all because of their busy schedules, work or lack of focus on themselves. As a student I must admit that I have not been eating mindfully but because of this I will start now. It could help me enjoy my food and time alone. Eating mindfully may help me be aware of healthy food and appreciating food.Emotional Eating Treatment
