Parighasana -Gate Pose

Gate Pose is widely recognized as Parighasana in the Sanskrit language. and it’s also known as Beam Pose. the Gate Pose is a sitting Pose that offers a chance to breathe get into your side body. or it is a workout for the side body. full Parighasana is a deep side bend pose.

How To Do Gate Pose (Parighasana)

  • First, stand your body by kneeling on the floor.
  • Now, spread your right leg out to your right side and press your foot flat on the floor. so that right knee towards the sky/ceiling. (Make sure your right leg should be parallel to kneeling knee)
  • With inhalation being to extend your left arm up and close to your left ear. (keep the palm facing either up and down) the shoulder blade should be firmly pressed against the back.
  • Exhale and turn to the right side, the chest should be perpendicular to the floor. placing the right palm down on the right leg.
  • Look at the sky by keeping the back of your neck long.
  • Breathe and hold for 5-8 breaths.
  • As long as you are able to keep your body in this position, let it remain like this for a long time and then come back to normal.
  • To perform this mudra it is necessary to maintain a balanced body which is not possible at first. If you practice Muarasan regularly, you will definitely be able to do it easily.
  • Initially, do this easy once, slowly practice it regularly according to the capacity.
  • To come out, inhale extending out through the top arm and come back to the centre.
  • Repeat the stretch on your other side.

Benefits of Gate Pose (Parighasana)

  • Parighasana opens the side body, lower ribs, arms, and shoulder.
  • It helps in delivering oxygen to the parts that usually don’t receive a high amount of it.
  • It also provides nourishment to the abdominal organs.
  • The science behind for Parighasana not only cure for cold, flu, asthma, allergies but also improving digestion.
  • Its calms for cleans the circulatory system.
  • Parighasana stimulates the lungs and stretches muscles in torso too.
  • It’s also help to build confidence.
  • The side body bend also increases the flexibility of the spine.
  • By regularizing this asana, the waist does not bow in old age and maintains physical vigor.
  • It helps the stretches the calves, spine, and hamstrings.
  • If your work is about to sit then the gate pose is a boon for you. By practicing this, you can avoid all the problems related to the waist.

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