Mandukasana- Frog Pose

Mandukasana tones all the organs in the abdomen and is excellent for diabetes. In Sanskrit, Manduka means frog and Asana means a pose. In the final position, the posture resembles a frog. Mandukasana has many variations, but here we mention the most popular version.

How to do Mandukasana (The Frog Pose)?

  • Sit in Vajrasana or the thunderbolt pose. This is the simple kneeling posture.
  • Make a fist with both hands with the thumb tucked inside the four fingers.
  • Place the two fists on the abdomen on both sides of the navel.
  • Exhale and pull the abdomen slightly inside. Slowly bend forward and press the navel with both the fists.
  • Keep the back as straight as possible and look forward in the bend position.
  • Keep the breath outside in this position and maintain it for as long as you are comfortable.
  • To release the pose, inhale and slowly raise the trunk up to kneeling position, bring the hands back to the sides and relax.
  • Repeat this for about 3 – 5 times.
  • Now let us talk of the benefits of this asana.

Benefits of Mandukasana (The Frog Pose)

  • Mandukasana tones all organs in the abdomen including the stomach.
  • It is good for the pancreas and has beneficial for diabetes.
  • It can relieve constipation.
  • It can reduce extra fat in the belly, waist and thighs and helps in weight reduction.
  • Mandukasana improves digestive and excretory functions.
  • It gives a good stretch to the back muscles.
  • It can relive pain in the knees, legs and ankles.

 Contraindications for Mandukasana (The Frog Pose)

  • Those who have back pain should avoid forward bending asanas in general.
  • Those who have any injury of the knees or hips should avoid doing Mandukasana.
  • Mandukasana should not be done by pregnant women.
  • If you had any recent surgery of the abdomen, chest, knees or legs, then avoid doing this pose

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