Bitilasana – Marjariasana

 Yoga to remove tiredness sequence starts with the cat cow pose. This is an excellent pose for massaging the spine and back muscles, and stimulating the flow of energy and circulation. 


Get on all your fours, place your wrists under shoulders, and your knees under the hips. Balance your weight between all fours. Now inhale, scoop your back, and lift your head and chest up. Hold for at least 3 seconds. While exhaling, round your back as you tuck your chin to your chest, pull your naval towards your spine and arch it towards the ceiling, and look down. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Practice this pose for 5 to 10 times, in a slow, controlled way, coordinating each movement with the breath to reap the maximum benefits.

Benefits of Cat Cow Pose

Cat/Cow pose has many health benefits. Let’s know them all in brief. So the benefits of Cat/cow pose are:

  • It makes your spine flexible
  • Strengthens and stimulates your abdominal organs
  • It also relieves your stress
  • Opens up your chest for better respiration
  • Helps in relieving Sciatica
  • Makes your spine, neck, and shoulder flexible
  • Relieves back pain
  • Stimulates adrenal glands
  • Stretches the muscles of your hips, abdomen, and back
  • Cat/cow pose calms you
  • Helps in balancing your body
  • Relieves stress from menstrual cramps 

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