Enema – Cleansing


Enema is one of the six cleansing methods or Shatkarma in Hatha Yoga. Basti is aimed at cleaning the lower intestine and the colon, removing toxins and cooling the body. In this method, a small tube is inserted into the anus while sitting in running water (or in a large tub). Then draw in the water through anus into the large intestine, hold the water in the bowels for some time and then expel through the anus. Such practices have become obscure as it is difficult to perform.

The procedure of inserting liquid or gas into the rectum (the lower part of the large intestine) is called Enema. Usually, enema is given to empty the bowels, cleansing the colon, removing toxins from the body, or for medical examination, or to administer medication. Enema is very effective method of cleansing the colon and removing the toxins from the body. While administering enema, water is pushed into the intestine using the power of gravity, which stimulates stool evacuation and colon cleansing. During the practice, ideally one can use between 1 or 1.2 liters of water. 


You may need to consume lighter food or follow special dietary instructions on the day prior to performing enema administration. However, instructions may vary, based on your personal health needs.While preparing for enema administration at home, make sure that all the equipment you are using are sterilized. you can empty your bladder before you begin the procedure.

How to prepare the Enema solution

The simplest enema solution is plain filtered water. Boil the water and cool it to lukewarm temperature to remove any gases like chlorine in the water. One can also add little salt in the water for extra cleansing. In Ayurveda and naturopathy medicated water is also used; for example, water boiled with neem leaves and filtered is used as a good disinfectant.

Coffee enemas are also popular. You may also use a water-based solution with a small concentration of stool softener, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, etc. to stimulate the movement of the large intestine.

Enema @  Home

It is easy to administer enemas at home. Administering enema at home can be less expensive, all you need to take care is to read all the instructions given on the kit thoroughly. Also, there are many types of enema kits and each comes with a different set of instructions. However, one can follow these general steps:

  • First things first, get your enema kit ready as instructed in the kit. 
  • Now, choose a place with space to lie down (ideally bathroom or close to bathroom), organize towels, a timer, and the enema kit. 
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them properly.
  • Fill the enema bag with the enema solution that you have prepared. Place it or hang it at height (say 2 to 3 feet) above the floor/bed. The height enables the solution to enter the colon through the power of gravity.
  • Lay a towel on the floor or bed and lie on the left side of the body (if right-handed) or on the right side of the body (if left-handed).
  • Now bend the knee of your topmost leg, and place a rolled towel underneath the knee to support it.
  • Remove the cap of the nozzle of the enema.
  • Lubricate the end of the tube beforehand to make for an easy and comfortable insertion.
  • Push the anus out, gently insert the tip of the nozzle into the anus, and continue inserting it 3–4 inches (10 centimeters) into the rectum.
  • Let the liquid enter the rectum via anus. Continue till the enema bag is empty. 
  • Slowly remove the nozzle from the rectum.
  • Wait for the enema to react or take effect. You may probably feel the urge to go to the washroom. You can hold the solution inside you according to your capacity (say from 1 to 10 minutes)
  • Go to the toilet and evacuate the bowels.
  • This whole procedure can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. 

Post Enema Administration

If you find everything is okay after the enema, then you can go ahead with your regular routine. But if there are several additional bowel movements after an enema, then you can stay home for some more time. Usually people find themselves okay after the enema administration. Schedule your enema administration in your free time as the procedure can take up to of 1 hour to complete. In some cases, people may need to take rest afterwards. 

Benefits of enema

The main purpose of a cleansing enema is to gently flush out the colon. Apart from that, enema offers substantial health benefits, which includes:

  • Removing toxins, bacteria, and excess fatty acids from the intestines. 
  • Aids in the restoration of the stomach’s natural flora. 
  • Impacts the nervous system positively, thereby flushing away exhaustion and anxiety. 
  • Helps to balance hormones, control appetite, regulate sleep, and improve mental processing. 
  • Enemas help in clearing the skin, improve concentration and circulation.
  • It helps in treating colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritation, Crohn’s disease, and more.
  • Improves mood as our stomach and its chemical reactions are linked to our brain
  • Also, problems like; constipation, fatigue, headaches, and backaches are relieved by a cleansing enema
  • Therefore, the benefits of an enema are far-reaching; and that is the reason it is recommended in Naturopathy and Ayurveda treatments. 


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