Fermented rice or Pazhaya soru Benefits!

 Here are some amazing health benefits of eating fermented rice:

when cooked rice soaked fully in water and stored in an earthen clay pot overnight, will ferment by next morning. This rice can give a lot of health benefits. Some of them are-

  • Since this rice is a natural coolant, it reduces body heat and keeps you cool, if taken regularly.
  • Consuming this rice in the morning can keep stomach ailments at bay as harmful and excessive heat retained in the body is neutralized.
  • Having this rice thrice a week can speed up recovery of ulcer.
  • It also helps in maintaining youthful and radiant look.
  • Doctors also say that the bacteria found in fermented rice has solved many intestinal problems.
  • Fermented rice has been found to act as a cure for diabetes !
  • They also found that the beneficial bacteria in old rice increased the level of insulin in the blood .
  • Since fermented rice is high on micro-nutrients and minerals such as iron, potassium and calcium, having this rice on a daily basis helps one to stay healthy, as per a study.

Human intestine contains millions of good bacteria that help in digestion and improve immunity. Unhealthy diet or stress can affect the bacterial balance in the  gut triggering an inappropriate immune response thereby causing inflammation.

Fermented rice which contains adequate healthy bacteria, can set right bacterial imbalance preventing immune system. It also has fiber , vitamins other digestible mineral. Eating fermented rice can also help you stay slim. This is because rice, when chilled overnight, can contain up to 60% fewer calories than when freshly cooked - potentially dropping from 130 calories per 100g to just 52 - but one needs to cook it in the appropriate way, as per research presented to the American Chemical Society.


1 cup of Leftover rice

2 cups of water

½ tsp salt

1-2 cups thin buttermilk


  • Soak the leftover rice in water overnight and the next day morning drains the water.
  • mash the rice add buttermilk and salt mix well.
  • Pazhayasoru is ready to serve.


  • 8 hours soaking in water is mandatory otherwise the cooked rice will not get fermented.
  • There is no proper proportion for the water we can add more water but make sure the rice should immerse into the rice.
  • add salt according to your tastebuds
  • Also topping and side dish totally depends on our wish.


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