Sun Yoga & Sun yogi!

 Can sun yoga overcome hunger and live without food ?

★ There is a saint called Sun yogi. He watches the sunlight for 20 minutes every day when the sun rises and draws energy from it. No food and no water for ten years. Many universities kept him and did research.

★ They kept him locked up for half a day for four days and tested him without giving him food or water. Will not drink water. There is no stool and no waste because the water does not eat the food. But the urine will come. If so the researchers will ask how the urine only comes from not drinking water. What he said was that I do not drink water but will automatically absorb the water vapor that may be in the atmosphere which is said to be sick atmospheric except that I do not drink water by mouth.

★ A normal tree can absorb 14 liters of water. If we say that 14 liters of water is taken into the atmosphere, then the human body needs only 1 1/2 liters and the solar yogi will ask why it does not take it. Those who actually examined him found that the skin absorbs water from the outside whenever water is needed.

★ This body has enough absorption power to absorb water vapor. Energy will decrease !!!!. Will walk as far as he wants. He can not walk with us at speed. There is no waste disposal. No need for food. He will go empty-handed without taking money in hand. You even need 5 rupees to drink tea. Every day people reach out and beg. Nothing is needed !!!!!!!!. I can't even say whether I welcome him home or give him water.

★ Then the solar yogi has proved that the body has enough energy to absorb what it needs from the senses. He is still alive. He is now in Calcutta. He will often come to Tamil Nadu if he thinks. Comes and teaches how to attract solar energy from just one day.

★ Humans can charge from the sun through the eyes when the power is low, just as the cell phone charges when the battery is down.

★ They will say that life and mind cannot be seen. But let's see it.

★ Life is visible in the form of a torch when you meditate in the sun and close your eyes and look at the eyebrows. Life is a very, very invisible substance. Take the hair of a cow and cut it into 1000 pieces. Take one piece out of that thousand pieces and cut it into 10000 pieces. This is what is said by many names such as the gods, the atom, the cross, the gods, the pure space.

★ The mind is the land of life. The mind is powered by the magnetic energy emanating from life. The mind rotates in a spiral shape when you meditate in the sun and close your eyes and look at the eyebrows. Anyone can see the mind and life.

★ If you need food, you need money. If you don't need food, you will lose the essential need for money.

The Life of Sunyogi Umasankar

At the 2th Febuary 1995 he knocked on the door of the famous Pondicherry Ashram, but first was not accepted to stay there, so he made his living by working in near guesthouses. That was his luck. When he sat on the beach to start his ocean meditation, the sun rose and at that very moment he discovered Sunyoga. As a scientist, he did further introspective experiments whereby he found out the function of the seven internal chakras. He also discovered, that the sun was nourishing his body and he stopped to take breakfast, five days later also lunch and after another five days, at the 26th April 1995, all food intake. By this he felt a little weak and came to know that the body has to be prepared to live on sunlight only. Same as Lord Buddha, who took no food for the time of 12 years and got enlightened after someone offered him his first meal, after he also decided to eat again, Umasankarji got his enlightenment on the 1st May 1995 on the seashore of Bengal. After correct preparation of his body which took more than one year, Sunyogi Umasankar reduced his meals again gradually until he stopped all food intake on 17 August 1996.

One day after his meditation on the noon sun, a stone attracted his eye on which a date was written with chalk: 2th Febuary 1997. Exactly two years after he came to the Pondicherry Ashram, where he finally stayed at that time, he left the ashram on that date without any money or keys, just barefoot and only with two simple sheets of cloth to cover his body. He had the overwhelming feeling, that everywhere is his place, so why should he take something with him? "Me is everywhere" was his statement. During his journey he and Sunyoga became famous in India and he held more than fifty workshops each year for which he never demanded anything in return, all depending on donations and with the help of supporting people. Sunyoga courses were offered in universities, schools, jails, and even high-ranking figures of the Indian government learned from him. Sometimes he had to do two courses in different cities on the very same day. After two years of retreat on 22th June 2009 Sunyogi kept his promise and came back to society to share his new knowledge and experiences with humanity. The centre of his efforts is the Universal Peace Center (UPC), which first was founded.

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