Driking Milk is Not Healthy!

 Milk is a major cause of heart disease, as well as 44 percent of cancers.

Why milk is so important in our lives is because of the nutrients in milk and also the taste of milk bind us, taking milk regularly we get calcium supplement that is told in our ears from an early age, making it necessary for us to drink milk regularly.

Swedish scientist Carl Michaelson wrote in his 2014 study of milk drinking: Apart from that if women drink three tumblers or more of milk a day it gives them many physical ailments. Milk is a major cause of heart disease, as well as 44 percent of cancers. ”

Some people experience nausea when they smell milk. The U.S. National Institutes of Health has confirmed that the feeling comes from drinking. Nearly 65 percent of teens report having this symptom. They not only drink milk but also eat dairy products like ice cream and cheese which causes nausea.

This problem develops in our body when we drink too much milk. This is because the body cannot absorb excess lactose. Then there is inflammation in the organs of the body, digestive problems, diarrhea, etc. occur. Thus, it increases the gas problem in the stomach and kills the good bacteria in the body.

In today's world not all milk we drink is fresh milk. That is, the cow does not drink skim milk immediately. That milk is available in our hands only after being processed in various ways. Drinking such processed milk has many different effects on the body's hormones. The most important of these is acne. Today cows are also injected to produce more milk. Thus, not only milk but also dairy products are high in fat. Those fats also have effects on our skin.

Eating or drinking lots of dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, might increase your risk of prostate cancer.  We don't know why this is but it might be because of the calcium in them. Dairy alternatives with added calcium, such as soya yoghurt or soya milk, also count as dairy foods. 

Having too much calcium in your diet might increase your risk of prostate cancer. But you do need about 700mg a day to keep your bones healthy. You can get this from a balanced diet. 

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