Yoga mudras for high blood pressure!

 Hypertension is an alarming health hazard which affects you in many ways.With the help of a few Yoga mudras, you can control your high blood pressure.

The human heart goes about as a pump because it supplies oxygen-rich blood to different body organs through the veins and pumps the oxygen-poor blood back to the lungs to get energized with new oxygen. The blood pressure is the power applied by the blood when it flows against the walls of the veins. Any kind of blockage in the veins cholesterol stores, blood clumps, narrowing of the veins because of solidifying would urge the blood to apply more weight while it flows. This is what leads to the problem of hypertension. Whenever left untreated, this problem would bring about weakened heart muscles and further some of the critical heart problems.Yoga is a pure and true way to cure the inner problems in your body.

The best mudras to control high blood pressure: –

  1.  Aakash Mudra
  2.  Vaayan Mudra
  3.  Apanvayu Mudra
  4.  Prana Mudra
  5.  Surya Mudra
  6.  Chin Mudra

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