Yoga poses for Hernia!

 What causes Hernia?

There are numerous reasons that contribute to the occurrence of hernia. The weakness of abdominal cavity allows the intestines to slide away. Now, abdominal muscles can become weak under many factors. The most initial reason for many people sets in before birth. As a child grows inside the womb of its mother, some developmental flaw might take place. In such cases, the hernia occurs right after the birth.

Overeating on regular basis puts excessive pressure on the intestines and abdominal cavity. Therefore, leading to the chances of hernia to take place. People who follow a sedentary lifestyle or never exercise are also at a great risk. Lack of exercise makes the abdominal muscles weak, loose and flabby over time. Another factor that plays role is pregnancy and childbirth. Though this could be avoided by practicing several yoga poses.

In young people (mostly men), the cause is often lifting heavy weight. Attempting to lift something too heavy (or beyond capacity) without proper care, causes a severe damage to abdominal muscles. To the extent that even muscles and ligament may also tear apart. Hernia happens immediately in such cases. Straining while you pass stool is also harmful to the body in a long run.

Hernia types

Some common types of hernia are given below:

Inguinal hernia: It is the most common type of hernia where the intestine generally pushes out through a weak spot of the muscles, especially the inguinal region. It is most common among men than women.

Hiatal hernia: Such type of hernia is generally seen in the stomach region, when the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm area. It is a common hernia among patients who is more than 50 years. The hernia leads to acid reflux.

Umbilical hernia: It is generally seen with children of 1 year in the region of the belly button area. But it may also be seen with the adult.

Incisional hernia: It may happen after abdominal surgery when the intestines protrude out through the incision area.

Hernia causes

There are so many factors responsible for hernia. Some of the important reasons are given below:

  • Muscles weakness
  • Straining of muscles
  • Chronic coughing
  • Surgery or injury
  • Pregnant mother who puts excessive pressure on the abdomen
  • Chronic constipation
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Lifting of heavyweight
  • Abdominal fluid
  • Hyperacidity
  • Indigestion
  • Stress and anxiety

Hernia symptoms

Some of the important symptoms are given below:

  • Bulge or lump in the affected region
  • Pain the bulging area
  • Heaviness in the abdominal region
  • Aching in the bulging region
  • Acid reflux

Yoga is helpful in the management and treatment of hernia including umbilical one. The following yoga poses listed below are helpful in the prevention of umbilical hernia.

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