The top rules of our life!

  1.  Family especially parents are the most important people in your life. Their love is unconditional and irreplaceable. So always RESPECT them.
  2. Love yourself no matter what. If you undermine yourself that would be the greatest defeat you are accepting.
  3. Make friends; its amazing to learn about others and appreciate them as a personality.
  4. Keep your circle small; quality matters not quantity
  5. Always remember work is worship. No matter how much you hate your job build a safety net first and then quit if you want to. Internet is a place where we get persuaded by fancy articles. Real life doesn't work that way.
  6. Do not rely on others for your happiness. Create one for yourself.
  7. People change. No matter how difficult it is to accept that's the harsh reality.
  8. There is nothing stronger than love. Loves prevails over everything
  9. Always be humble and open to learning. Your downfall will start the day you think you know it all.
  10. Work hard. There is no substitute for that. But don't work like a donkey incorporate smart and effective ways where you can.
  11. Money matters. It has and it always be.
  12. Exercise daily. It should be a part of your lifestyle. Like how you don't forget to brush your teeth don't forget to workout.
  13. Never give importance to anyone more than you. Once you do that you'll lose your own worth in their eyes.
  14. Let your actions speak louder than words. Prove them wrong.
  15. Lastly, give yourself a small tap on your shoulders for that small thing you achieved today. Intrinsic motivation is much more important than extrinsic.

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