Viparita Karani

 Viparita karani is a Sanskrit term that denotes an act of inverting. In Sanskrit, viparita means "inverted" or "reversed," and karani means "doing" or "making."This yoga asana is also known as the legs up the wall pose and inverted Lake Pose.

  This asana not only reduces the wrinkles but Viparita Karani benefits  to reduce the anti-ageing effects and also provides other health benefits. This asana helps cool and soothe the nervous system. 

The higher chakras, like the third eye (ajna) and crown (sahasrara), are stimulated in this pose. Spiritual energy is redirected upward toward these energy centers, preparing the individual's mind for dharana, or concentration.

 This pose is often done as a final posture before beginning pranayama and dharana. This Yoga is advised to practise in the morning time when your stomach is empty. If you are on your periods do not practise this asana. 

If you are suffering from glaucoma or any severe eye condition, try to avoid practicing Viparita Karani pose. If you are suffering from some back injury, back pain, or neck pain, you should first consult a yoga expert and your doctor as well. 

Procedure for Viparita karani

  • If you are a beginner, it is best to choose an open space next to a wall, the left side of your body should touch the sides of the wall and your feet should be spread in front of you.
  • Then, the second step is to breathe out and then place the toes on the wall and your knees should be bent.
  • While doing this, make sure that your back is straight on the floor.
  • Breathe in and then raise your legs upward, try to push down on arms, your hands and buttocks.
  • Try to support your lower back with the help of your elbows on the floor.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can, a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Then you need to come back to the starting position.

Benefits of Viparita Karani:

  • Get rid of the anxiety problem.
  • Helps to treat mild back pain.
  • Viparita Karani benefits your legs to feel relaxed.
  • Viparita Karani benefits your mind to feel calmer and soothe. 
  • Viparita Karani mudra helps to give a good stretch to the back of the legs, back of the neck and the front of the torso. 
  • Viparita Karani benefits people who are suffering from arthritis problem. 
  • It benefits people who are suffering from digestive problems. 
  • Viparita Karani benefits people who suffer from high and low blood pressure problem.
  • Viparita Karani benefits people who find it difficult to sleep and suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia. 
  • Benefits people who suffer from headaches and severe headaches like migraines. 
  • Viparita Karani benefits people who are suffering from respiratory disorders. 
  • Helps to reduce menstrual cramps and urinary disorders.
  • It benefits people who suffer from premenstrual syndrome and varicose veins.
  • It benefits females from menopause-related problems. 

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