Guru Vs Teacher

Difference between a Guru and a Teacher!!!!!!!

1. A teacher takes responsibility for your growth.

    A Guru makes you responsible for your growth.

2.A teacher gives you things you do not have and require.

    A Guru takes away things you have and do not require.

3. A teacher answers your questions.

    A Guru questions your answers.

4. A teacher requires obedience and discipline from the pupil.

    A Guru requires trust and humility from the pupil.

5. A teacher clothes you and prepares you for the outer journey.

    A Guru strips you naked and prepares you for the inner journey.

6. A teacher is a guide on the path.

    A Guru is a pointer to the way.

7. A teacher sends you on the road to success.

    A Guru sends you on the road to freedom.

8. A teacher explains the world and its nature to you.

    A Guru explains yourself and your nature to you.

9. A teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego.

    A Guru takes away your knowledge and punctures your ego.

10. A teacher instructs you.

      A Guru constructs you.

11. A teacher sharpens your mind.

      A Guru opens your mind.

12. A teacher reaches your mind.

      A Guru touches your spirit.

13. A teacher instructs you on how to solve problems.

       A Guru shows you how to resolve issues.

14. A teacher is a systematic thinker.

      A Guru is a lateral thinker.

15. One can always find a teacher.

      But a Guru has to find and accept you.

16. A teacher leads you by the hand.

      A Guru leads you by example.

17.When a teacher finishes with you, you celebrate.

      When a Guru finishes with you, life celebrates.

Let us honor both, the teachers and the Guru in our lives...

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