Power of Silence

 1. Never defend yourself

"If anyone tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don't make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: He does not know my other faults; else, he would not have mentioned only these."
  • Weak people hide their flaws and show off their strengths.
  • Wise people boast about their flaws without showing off their strengths.
Don't let your ego blind you.

2. Never complain
"Don't be overheard complaining, not even to yourself"
-Marcus Aurelius

Complaining is the simplest and most ineffective thing to do.
If you have the ability to change a situation, do so. If it isn't, shift your viewpoint.
The mind gives up and surrenders before the body. Stoic virtues include endurance, perseverance, and composure.

3. Don't Tell Them, Show Them
"Waste no time arguing how a good man should be. Be one"
-Marcus Aurelius

What you do, not what you say you will do, determines your level of success.
Convince through your actions, not your words.

4. Learn to Respond, Not React
"I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right."
-Cato The Elder

How one reacts to hostility is strong evidence of wisdom.
Maintain a cool, calm, and collected demeanor at all times.
Never allow anyone the power to make you angry.

5. Be Careful of What You Say
"Be silent, or let your words be worth more than silence."

Spend no time engaging in celebrity gossip, backbiting, or childish fights.

6. Sit Still.
"All of man's problem arises from his inability to sit in a quiet room alone."

Overindulging in screen activities dulls the mind.
Learn to be content with boredom; you don't always need to be stimulated.

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