Mudras are easy to perform at anytime, although sitting in the lotus position and focusing on the healing can be an advantage.

Although mudras can be used for healing certain ailments, regular practise of mudras will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.

Continuous practice of the Mudras will create minute changes in your body using pulse centres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within the corresponding body part.

Mudras are to be performed with both hands at the same time, unless otherwise specified.
Fingers should remain comfortable during the procedure and not held stiffly or tight

The science of Mudra Vigyan is deeply mysterious and amazing. It is not difficult to harmonize the undercurrents of the mind. Through this science it is also not difficult to achieve concentration of mind. Mudra Vigyan is most important aspect of the meditation of the supreme self. Here, Yog Mudras (gestures)are being presented as miraculous remedies, which affect some illness like an injection. Mudras can cure almost any ailment from a simple ear ache to heart attack.

Ear ache can be cured in just a few minutes, by the Shunya Mudra. Similarly, many urinary infections will be cured by the Apan Mudra. In the case of severe heart attack, Mritsanjiveni Mudra provides instant relief within a few seconds.

Our body is composed of five elements - earth, water, air, fire and ether (space). These five elements also form our cosmos. These five elements have assigned functions in our body to keep it healthy.

After intensive research, Indian sages have found that Hastamudras (hand gestures) are very important, for keeping a balance in the energy the flow among the five elements. All five fingers regulate the five elements of body.

These are as follows–

(a) Thumb - Fire element

(b) Index finger - Air element

(c) Middle finger - Space or ether element

(d) Ring finger - Earth element

(e) Little finger - Water element

Thus, hastamudras are helpful in maintaining good healt hand getting relief from diseases also. Joining the tips of the fingers or pressing by thumb, regulate and balance respective elements in the body. Its daily practice can keep oneself healthy for life. It has tremendous healing power and if practiced properly, all major diseases can be cured. It also offers happiness and spiritual attainments.
Now, we would learn various hastamudras as follows–

Gyan mudra:

Sit down comfortably with your back and neck straight. Join tips of index fingers and thumb and keep three fingers straight. Keep your hand at your folded knee, remember to keep palm facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand would be in relaxed position. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for improving memory and concentration and nervous system.It also prevents headache, loss of sleep, tension, anxiety, depression and fears. It helps in spiritual attainments.

Vayu mudra: 

keep your index fingers at the root of your thumbs and press it with thumb. In this gesture, index finger is in touch with middle finger. Then keep both your hands at folded knee so that palm is facing up. Put a little pressure in your palm and rest of the hand would be in relax position. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.
This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like Gastro problems, joint pains, backache, sciatica and arthritis.

Akash mudra:

Join tips of middle fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers straight. Keep your hand on your folded knee, remember to keep palm facing upwards. Put a little pressure on joined tips and keep the rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing all ear problems, vomiting and vertigo.

Shunya mudra: 

Keep your middle fingers at the root of your thumbs and press it with thumb. Then keep both your hands on folded knees so that the palms face upwards. Put a little pressure on your palm and rest of the hand would be relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like deafness, vomiting, vertigo and thyroid problems.

Prithvi mudra: 

Join tips of ring fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand would be relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing all digestive problems and helps to gain weight.

Agni mudra: 

keep your ring fingers at the root of your thumbs and press with thumb. Then keep both your hands on folded knees so that palms are facing up. Put a little pressure in your palm and rest of the hand would be in relaxed position. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.This hastamudra is helpful for health problems like diabetes, liver problems, reduces cholesterol levels and strengthens the body.

Varun mudra: 

Join tips of little fingers and thumb and keep other three fingers straight. Keep your hand on your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.

It is beneficial for removing all blood related problems, skin as well as urinary problems.

Apan-vayu mudra

Join tips of ring fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep your index fingers at the root of your thumbs keeping your little fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing acidity, reducing high blood pressure, curing Asthma and all cardiac problems. It gives instant relief in heart attack.

Apan mudra: 

Join tips of ring fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep the other two fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing kidney stones, kidney problems, piles and helps in removing all toxins from the body.

Pran mudra: 

Join tips of ring fingers, little fingers and thumb and keep the other two fingers straight. Keep your hands on your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing eye and nerves related problems. It energises the body and balances vitamins in the body.

Vyan mudra:  

Join tips of index fingers, middle fingers and thumb and keep other two fingers straight. Keep your hand at your folded knees, remember to keep palms facing up. Put a little pressure on joined tips and rest of the hand relaxed. Practice it only for 15 to 20 minutes every day.It removes stress and cures high blood pressure problem.

Shivlinga mudra:

Clasp all fingers of both hands together keeping your right thumb erect. Put a little pressure and sit relaxed. Practice it for 20-30 minutes every day.It is beneficial for removing cough, curing common cold, asthma, esinophelia, sinus and low blood pressure problem. You must take enough liquids like fruit juice, milk or water after doing this mudra.


(For immediate result hastmudras must be practiced daily with light neurobics to restore healthy vibrations in the body for minimum 30 minutes. All these hastmudras except Akash and Shunya mudra can bepracticed while walking and in lying position also. However if Hastmudras are practiced in a comfortable sitting position, it gives better and quicker results.)

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