Tolangulasana or the Weighing Scale Pose

Tolangulasana or the Weighing Scale Pose is good for controlling obesity and toning the abdominal organs. Tolangulasana looks like a weighing scale in the final pose, hence the name. Tolangulasana gives a sense of relaxation and also helps to strengthen the shoulders and arms.

How to do Tolangulasana (The Weighing Scale Pose)?
  • Sit on the floor and assume the Padmasana pose. Padmasana is the cross-legged pose used for meditation.
  • Tilt backwards and support the weight of the body using the elbows. Place the palms of the hands under the buttocks.
  • Raise the head, trunk and the legs further up.
  • The entire weight of the body should be balanced by the palms under the buttocks and the elbows.
  • Inhale slowly and retain the breath. Perform the chin lock or Jalandhara Bandha.
  • Hold the breath and remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable.
  • To release the pose slowly bring back the legs to the ground while exhaling slowly. Release the cross legged position. Lie in Shavasana for resting.
  • One can repeat this up to 5 times as per one’s convenience.

Benefits of Tolangulasana (The Weighing Scale Pose)

  • Tolangulasana can remove obesity and hence a good asana for weight loss.
  • It tones the organs in the abdomen including liver.
  • It broadens the chest and strengthens the arms, shoulders and neck muscles.
  • Tolangulasana gives a sense of relaxation.

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