Deer Exercise for Women

Yoga has a fine way of balancing the human body; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Yoga can help ease the symptoms of an unbalanced female cycle and move healing energy throughout your body.

A great pose, exercise, for easing PMS, menstrual headaches, menopausal symptoms, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, painful periods, lumpy breasts, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and other menstrual related symptoms is the Deer Pose Exercise.  It is a simple routine and takes about 10 minutes.

Benefits of Regularly Performing the Deer Exercise:

  1. Strengthens digestion.
  2. Supports complete elimination and detoxification.
  3. Tones the anal muscles and colon, aiding in peristaltic action and reducing transit time.
  4. Just like exercising our major muscle groups, toning the rectal and anal muscles prevents deterioration, which can lead to hemorrhoids and cancer.
  5. In women, the exercise also stimulates the vaginal muscles, bringing circulation to the area, which can prevent and heal menstrual disorders, infections, and vaginitis.
  6. In women, this exercise tones strengthens the vaginal muscles and the ligaments supporting the ovaries, and fallopian tubes increases fertility and increases pelvic blood flow and relaxed sensitivity.
  7. Rejuvenates and refreshes the prostate gland (in men)
  8. Strengthens and builds the tissues of the sexual organs
  9. May help shrink a swollen prostate (in men)
  10. Increases potency and fertility
  11. Diminishes premature ejaculation (in men)
  12. Can prevent and reverse incontinence

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