Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Every other person, it seems, wants to lose weight (obese or not). While there are people who have to shed the excess weight for genuine reasons, there are others who want to lose those 5 or 10 pounds to look better during the holiday season. And, the latest trend is to enroll in a yoga studio with this goal.

While yoga helps with weight loss, it is more of a slow, mind-body connection that works here, unlike the cardio workouts that a person does in a gym. Yes, there are poses that challenge you, boosting the metabolism and detoxification processes, but what a person needs to realize, yoga alone might not give you what you desire. When practiced regularly coupled with a healthy, balanced diet, yoga helps you to achieve and maintain your weight goals.

Here are some effective yoga poses that you could practice at home to become slimmer and trimmer.
A Simple Yoga Routine to Shed the Excess Pounds

In this routine, you will be moving from one posture to the next with the aim of stimulating your metabolism, which is essential for burning the extra fat.

  1. Utkatasana – Chair Pose
  2. Parivritta Parsvakonasana – Revolved Side Angle Pose
  3. Chaturanga Dandasana – Low Plank/Yoga Push-up
  4. Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
  5. Parvatasana – Mountain Pose

Inhale, straighten your legs and torso, and come back to starting position. This completes one round of your weight loss yoga sequence. It takes just 7 minutes to do this routine. Practice it 2 to 3 times a day, thrice a week to see noticeable changes.

However there is something here which you should not forget. Diet also plays a crucial role when it comes to shedding those excess pounds you have stored in your body. Try to eat a healthy, balanced diet. In addition, you can also practice water fast, which promotes detoxification.

A balanced life is where you are happy, calm, and relaxed. And, when you are balanced and mindful, you will be able to manifest your dream weight!


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  3. My name is Lana, I'm 28 years old.
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