Setubhandasana / Kandharasana – The Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is an excellent way to relieve stress and manage the symptoms of menopause. Practicing the bridge pose stretches and strengthens the back, reduces fatigue and insomnia, and eases anxiety and headaches.

From Marjariasana, sit on the heels and extend your legs out. Gently lie down on your back. Bend your knees and separate your feet as wide as your hips. Allow the feet to come as close to your hips as possible. Let your arms rest along your body, palms pressing into the floor.

On an inhale, press the palms and feet into the floor and lift your hips away from the floor. Engage your core muscles, squeeze your buttocks, and roll your thighs inward. Take a short exhalation and on the next inhalation, lift your hips and torso higher so that chest is closer to your chin.

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