Chin Mudra

Chin mudra is popular for improving the physical and mental health. The problem of hypertension is reduced significantly with this mudra. It also helps in stimulating the digestion process and stimulating digestion.

It takes just about 3 to 5 minutes for every mudra, and you will have a lifelong problem solved. They are easy, quick, and an excellent way to keep many diseases at bay. Practice them regularly to achieve a greater stability of all the four elements in yourself and achieve fitness at a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Procedure for Chin Mudra:

  • Use both hands while practising this Mudra.
  • Seat yourself in a comfortable meditation position.
  • Touch your index finger to the tip of your thumb.
  • Straighten the other three fingers without straining them while keeping them apart from each other.
  • Now rest your hands on your knees as such that your palms face the sky.
  • Get into a relaxed state of mind and observe your inner self.

Observe yourself slowly shifting into a calm state of mind from a chaotic one. You will feel it in your body how every tensed organ, muscle, nerve, and vein switches to a more relieved state. When you feel this, it will be pretty evident, and you will know that the Mudra has worked for you.

Benefits of Chin Mudra

  • It helps to connect a human to their higher self
  • Helps to lift dull energy and stamina
  • Calms the mind
  • Creates a more receptive state
  • Brightens the mood
  • Improve and increase concentration even during meditation
  • Promotes better sleep patterns
  • Reduces common ailments such as lower back pain
  • Relieves unnecessary tension in the body and stress

In the Chin Mudra, the index finger represents individual consciousness, and the thumb represents the universal consciousness. The little self is connected to the spacious Universal Self when the two join.

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