Surya Mudra!

Surya Mudra is one of the important Hasta Mudras i.e. hand seals and has great importance in the field of Yoga. It increases the fire element in the human body. Therefore it is also called as Agni Mudra i.e. fire gesture.

The ring finger is related to Sun and Uranus. The Sun is a representative of heat, health and energy. Uranus is a symbol of intuition, change and sexuality.When you press your ring finger with your thumb, the earth element in the ring fingers is eliminated and the fire element residing in the thumb is increased.

It is better to do this posture at the time of sunrise or before food. If this mudra is done early in the morning, at sunrise, the energy of the sun can be absorbed into the body and utilized. This optimizes the effect of mudra. So Surya Mudra should ideally be practiced between 4-6 am for optimum results.

You can keep this gesture for 25-35 minutes at a stretch. You may start this with small time durations. Later gradually increase the time once you feel comfortable doing it.

Alternatively you can do it for 10-12 minutes at a stretch, 3-4 times a day.This mudra may be practiced in a standing, sitting or lying down posture. It can also be done while walking. While doing this mudra, you can chant mantras for better effect.

It increases fire element in the body. This might increase the body temperature. You can avoid this mudra when you have too much heat in your body or suffering from fever.

Avoid doing this gesture if you are underweight because this mudra is highly effective in reducing weight.

Method of doing Surya Mudra

  1. Sit in any comfortable posture. You can try to sit in lotus or half lotus position. Make sure to sit on the mat and not on the floor.
  2. Place your hands on your thighs or knee. Let the palms face upwards, towards the roof.
  3. Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths. Be aware about your breathing process.
  4. Now fold your ring finger and press it with your thumb. If you are new to the practice, you may feel discomfort or pain while doing this gesture. But that will not stay long. You will be able to do it comfortably with practice.
  5. Put the ring finger such that its tip touches the root of your thumb.
  6. Keep the other three fingers extended.
  7. Now apply moderate pressure on your ring finger using your thumb. The more you press, the more your fire increases. Try not to overdo.
  8. Simultaneously repeat the same procedure in the other hand too.


  1. Just like the Sun, this mudra provides us the essential heat and energy, keeps us fit and healthy.

  2. It enables heat balance in the body. It increases the fire element in the body and regularizes the metabolism. It improves appetite and digestion.
  3. By increasing the fire element, we are able to channelize our inner body strength which is required to cure our interior.
  4. It helps regulate body temperature.
  5. It helps in increasing pitta. Therefore it is an ideal gesture to overcome pitta deficiency. At the same time it decreases kapha dosha.
  6. It is good for those who have consumed heavy to digest foods.
  7. Since the fire element is related to vision, improvement of fire in the body will also improve the vision.
  8. It removes the blocks in the liver and enables maintaining liver health.
  9. It lowers cholesterol level if practiced for 20 minutes twice a day.
  10. This mudra is useful in reducing the earth element in the body. Fat tissue is predominantly made up of earth element. Decrease in earth element leads to weight loss. Surya Mudra helps reduce weight and is a good remedy for obesity. It should be practiced by women who gain weight after delivery. It is popularly known as ‘weight loss mudra’.
  11. It is an effective remedy for thyroid related disorders. This can be achieved by pressing the tip of the ring finger on the thyroid point. This point, according to acupressure remedies is little below the root of the thumb, on the bulge of the palm. To do this, the tip of the ring finger in this mudra should be moved down to the center of the bulge beneath the thumb root and pressed.
  12. It has positive effect on your body, mind and soul. It keeps you healthy and happy. It also promotes longevity of life.
  13. It also helps in keeping the mind and senses in optimum state of alertness and helps combat stress and depression. It can be practiced by those feeling low.
  14. It controls blood urea and complications of diabetes.
  15. It removes excessive fluidity and swelling of the body.
  16. It acts as energy booster.
  17. By increasing fire element and reducing water element in the body it wards of laziness. It is a good remedy for those who are lethargic.
  18. It brings peace of mind and keeps the mind sharp and active. It enables one to stay focused.
  19. When practiced regularly it awakens intuition in a person.
  20. It can ideally be practiced in extreme winters and cold seasons to keep up the body temperature.

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