Yoga to improve Kidney Function!

Kidneys perform the vital function of purifying the blood by filtering the waste from it. They also help in the functioning of the urinary system, secretion of hormones and maintenance of blood pressure level in the body. Kidneys also have the additional function of homeostasis or maintaining the level of acid and bases in the body. 

What do kidneys do?

  1. Remove metabolic waste
  2. Absorb essential nutrients
  3. Maintain homeostasis
  4. Help filter blood
  5. Produce hormones
  6. Caring for your kidneys

 yoga is that it is entirely natural and does not have any side-effects.Yoga poses stimulate and massage various organs that help bring the body to an optimal condition. 

The following yoga asanas are very effective in keeping kidney and liver healthy.

  1. Mandukasana
  2. Shashankasana
  3. Vakrasana
  4. Yoga mudrasana
  5. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  6. Gomukhasana
  7. Pawanmuktasana
  8. Uttan padasana
  9. Naukasana
  10. Bhujangasana
  11. Paschimottanasana

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