Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

The Nadi Shodhan pranayama is a breathing technique that helps clear these blocked energy channels, thus calming the mind. This technique is also known as Anulom Vilom pranayama. Nadi =subtle energy channel; Shodhan = cleaning, purification; Pranayama = breathing technique.

  1.  Begin by taking a full, deep inhalation followed by a slow, gentle exhalation. In this way, practice several rounds of Full Yogic Breath to help awaken the prana maya kosha (the energetic body).
  2.  Fold the tips of the index and middle fingers inward until they touch the palm at the base of the right thumb (Vishnu mudra). You will alternately use the right thumb to close the right nostril and the right ring and pinky fingers (together) to close the left nostril.
  3.  Use the right thumb to close the right nostril. Exhale gently, but fully, through the left nostril. Keeping the right nostril closed, inhale through the left nostril and deep into the belly. As you inhale, allow the breath to travel upward along the left side of the body. Pause briefly at the crown of the head.
  4.  Next, use the ring and pinky fingers of the right hand to gently close the left nostril and simultaneously release the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril, surrendering the breath down the right side of the body. Pause gently at the bottom of the exhalation.
  5.  Keeping the left nostril closed, inhale once again through the right nostril, allowing the breath to travel up the right side of the body.
  6.  Then again, use the right thumb to close the right nostril as you release the left nostril. Exhale through the left nostril, surrendering the breath back down the left side of the body. Pause gently at the bottom of the exhalation.
  7.  This completes one round of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama. The same pattern continues for each additional round: inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right nostril, inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left nostril.

Benefits of Practicing Nadi Shodhan pranayama

  1.  Excellent breathing technique to calm and center the mind.
  2.  Our mind has a tendency to keep regretting or glorifying the past and getting anxious about the future. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama helps to bring the mind back to the present moment.
  3.  Works therapeutically for most c

    irculatory and respiratory problems. Releases accumulated stress in the mind and body effectively and helps to relax.
  4. Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality.
  5.  Helps purify and balance the nadis – the subtle energy channels, thereby ensuring a smooth flow of prana (life force) through the body.
  6.  Maintains body temperature.

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